We are always looking for passionate people
Being a part of Embedded Interaction Lab (EILab) can be your stepping stone to an exciting career in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) practice and research. It’s an opportunity to be a part of an innovative and dynamic technology-driven applied research environment. We aim and strive to solve interesting research problems in HCI, and use advance HCI domains to solve pressing social challenges. You can join us as a Ph.D. student researcher, post-doctoral researcher or a research associate in a variety of HCI research areas. Explore a career in HCI research with the mesmerizing scenery of the beautiful IIT Guwahati campus. Here are few of the following benefits:
Opportunity to work on interesting research problems/areas of HCI
Opportunity to work on pressing societal challenges and solve them using emerging HCI domains
Opportunity to join funded PhD program at EILab in IIT Guwahati
Opportunity to get funded to attend reputed international conferences across the globe
A Multi-disciplinary environment where education is through peer-learning
World-class infrastructure, facilities and technology equipment to support your research activitie
IIT Guwahati provides campus facilities including accommodation, food, and other logistics.
If you think you have the right skill sets and passion, write to us anytime at careers @ embeddedinteractions.com. We are waiting to hear from you.
If you are interested in interning with us, please write to us at keyur @ iitg.ac.in or keyurbsorathia @ gmail.com. We will respond the internship request only to 3rd year undergraduate students and 2nd year graduate students.​
Call for PhD students
If you are looking for a meaningful work, interested in emerging and fascinating areas of HCI – We, at EI Lab are taking 3 PhD students for candidates interested in pursuing PhD in HCI. We are looking for candidates who are interested in two broad following areas.
Interaction techniques for flexible displays and devices - In general, we expect the candidate to explore and experiment on new interaction techniques (e.g. bend, squeeze, fold, roll and many more to be identified during research) for flexible displays and devices. This area further expands to exploring possibilities of new shapes, contextual interaction techniques and dynamically changing interfaces for flexible displays and devices. We are working in this area since last few years and lab has all facilities and guidance to support research in this area.
Virtual Reality (VR) - research exploration on immersion, displays sizes (HMD, CAVE, monitor-based displays etc.) and related input methods (gestures, gaze, speech, specialized devices etc.) and user interactions, feedback methods (visual, aural, haptic - tactile, proprioceptive etc.). We are also open for research exploration in domains of visualization, walk-through, and training.
We are also interested in others areas of HCI, however preferences will be given to candidates interested in above areas. If you have a specific interest in others areas than mentioned above, please feel free to send an email on keyur @ iitg.ac.in or keyurbsorathia @gmail.com
Ideal Candidate:
We always aim to make our team with members having different expertise, which enables peer learning and knowledge creation. We are looking for candidates who have a background in HCI, Interaction Design with strong programming & electronics skills or psychological theories. Preferably the candidate should have worked for few years (in industry or research labs) and have a clear motivation to do a Ph.D
We are currently accepting candidates for full-time and part-time. We will provide sponsorship to the candidates (only full-time candidates).
Candidates interested in pursuing PhD at the EI Lab should submit (a) Statement of Purpose and (b) Research proposal. Please also share your resume and portfolio (if you have any). Interested candidates need to send the documents to keyur @ iitg.in or keyurbsorathia @ gmail.com
You can prepare the documents based on your understanding. We have also created a support/help document to assist candidates in preparing these documents:
How to prepare a Research Proposal? including (a) what is a research proposal (b) importance of a research proposal, and (c) how to structure a research proposal
PhD Process – We also give you a glimpse of pursuing PhD in IIT Guwahati. This includes potential course-work, various stages of PhD completion and details of each stage while you are pursuing a PhD.