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Body-gestures to Control Classroom Presentations

Here we present a gesture controlled user interface for Microsoft Powerpoint presentations, intended to use for classroom presentations. Human centered design methodology was followed to identify appropriate gestures suitable to the context of classroom presentations. User studies were conducted to identify commonly used functions and associated gestures appropriate for the context. Gestures for functions fullscreen, next slide, previous slide, zoom-in, zoom-out, play, pause, increase & decrease volume were idendifited and further benchmarked through memory test, stress test and semantic interpretation test. Initial results indicate that gestures identified through human centered design approach were less tiring, easy to remember and had low error rate. Participants did not get distracted or confused while presenting. We have developed a working prototype which will further be tested with users.

This project is sponsored by Microsoft Research Connector program.

Project Team

Surbhit Verma, Abdul Sameer Ashraf, Nirav Malsatter

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