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Selection Methods for Gestural Interfaces

In this project, we present a study conducted to investigate four suitable gestural input methods (i) Grabbing (ii) Pointing (iii) Hand motion in 2D plane and (iv) Body movement in 3D space for selection, their performance and acceptance for gesture-controlled user interfaces using a game “Treasure Hunt”. Study was conducted with 20 participants each in public and private environment. We investigated the gestures from participants for their ranking preferences, social acceptance and positive-negative affect after experiencing each selection method. Each selection method was also evaluated for its usability through collecting error rates and task completion time. These parameters were analyzed for exploring trends within and between environments. We observed that Grabbing was most preferred for both public and private environment, however it took significantly higher time to complete the task. Pointing and Hand Motion in 2D Plane found most errors in both environments. Higher social acceptance was found in public environment than private environment.

This project was sponsored by Microsoft Research Connector program.

Project Team

Surbhit Verma, Himanshu Bansal

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